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First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville

PEP Ministry PEP Ministry

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  •    The PEP MINISTRY will serve as the public relations and public information bureau. Their charge is to take the church’s calendar of activities and publicize it in a timely manner; to include public notices of all special programs and events. They will notify member of events of interest within and outside the church. They will establish and maintain announcement and theme bulletin board throughout the church to keep the membership informed of church activities. This ministry will serve as First Baptist’s “cheerleaders” if you will. They are further charged with the task of seeing to it that First Baptist and her welfare will become a first priority in the lives of her members and the community.

     Working in cooperation with each individual ministry to assure that there are no conflicts in scheduling of activities or special programming. This Ministry will also schedule weddings, banquets and church social functions and any request for use of church facilities. The PEP MINISTRYwill work with each individual ministry to plan any special events and programs. All program contents MUST BEsubmitted to the Senior Pastor for his APPROVALbefore going to print or any distributions are made. All programs should be planned and publicized not less than 30 days prior to the event coming off.

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      Darlene Pettis - Dec 10, 7:45am:
      Welcome to the new group: PEP Ministry!
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