September Prayer Focus (Sep 6, 2012)
Prayer Request:
September's prayer focus is: Against Desert Spirits Roman 4:19 " And being not eweak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb."
Prayer Targets: For those who have been told that their faith doesn't work.
Desert spirits are satanic powers responsibile for keeping a person, community, city, state, or country, a beliver, or people, village, in an awful state of barrenness or unfruitfulness. It is our responsibility as children of God, to take up the weapons of God and fight against these wicked spirits. There are Spiritual weapons that have been made available to us by Christ. Use these weapons and victory surely will be yours, in the name of Jesus.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Pray daily and believe that all things are possisble throuh Jesus Christ. Bishop
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