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First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville

Yesterday I met a stranger Yesterday I met a stranger

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   Discussion: Yesterday I met a stranger
Kay (anon) · 12 years, 7 months ago

"Yesterday I met a stranger
Today this stranger is my friend.
Had I not taken the time to
say hello, or return
a smile, or shake a
hand, or listen,
I would not have known this person.
Yesterday would have turned
into today and our chance
meeting would be gone.
Yesterday I hugged someone very
dear to me. Today
they are gone and tomorrow
will not bring them back.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all knew
tomorrow would be here?
But this is not to be, so take
the time TODAY to give
a hug, a smile,
an "I love you."


"A true friend knows all your weaknesses,
yet still loves you."

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