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First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville First Missionary Baptist Church Hayneville

Sharing the love of Jesus with our Community & World Sharing the love of Jesus with our Community & World

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Sharing the love of Jesus with our Community & World

Posted on Wed, Dec 22, 2010

Welcome to First

Greetings Beloved of God,

Thank  you for stopping in our virtual sanctuary. We greet you in the divine love of Jesus Christ our LORD. We pray that you visit with us today won't be your last. Please know that our God is a God of divine appointments and direction. With that in mind we here at First would like to think that He has directed you to us to fulfill His divine will that we connect with each other in this most special way. Remember as Paul said in Romans 8:28 "And we know that all thins work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. "

Since He has led you to us please take a good look around, because we are here to serve. In addition, we'd like to count you as part of our family both locally and cyberally so please take a moment and establish yourself an account for personalization allowing us to keep in touch with you concerning news about first and special events that we will host and want you to be apart of. Feel free to participate in one of our forums to get to know each another be sure to ad your posts and discussions for comments. Remember, you can always send questions and concerns to our Senior Pastor or other ministry leader by sending an email directly to that person. Finally, please stop by and sign our guest book letting the world know that you were here. God bless you and we look forward to seeing you in the sanctuary. If you are looking for a church home the First Family and I welcome you with open arms and guarantee that you will find the love of God here with us. If you don't have a church home we invite you to consider sharing with us in giving your tithes and offerings for the support and advancement of this ministry until the Lord places you in a local ministry. Please go to our contribution page and give your tithe and or offering. Please let the webmaster know if you have any questions.

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