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Welcome to Women of Vision! Welcome to Women of Vision!

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Welcome to Women of Vision!

Posted on Wed, Nov 17, 2010

This is a new group called Women of Vision. Enjoy!

   Discussion: Welcome to Women of Vision!
Darlene Pettis · 14 years, 6 months ago
Good morning sisters. As I sat and was playing a game a few minutes ago, God placed something on my heart. Step out on faith. Step out on the faith that you have in God. He has been trying to move you to another level but the fear of failure keeps you in the place where you are now. But believe in HIM and HIM alone. Not man, not your account, not even you or your capablities. In Him, he has the power to take all that is natural and turn it into something supre natural! I dont know what it is, but I pray that you take this opportunity that God has placed before you and step out on faith. What He has given you, cant no man, woman, devil take from you. Its your and God is saying step out of your circumstances and believe in HIM to bring through to that He has destined for you!

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